Thursday, November 23, 2023

Gather Gratitude


"If the only prayer you said was 'thank you,' that would be enough."
Meister Eckhart

Let us stay in the moment today, not dwelling in the past nor projecting into the future. Drop down from your mind into your heart and experience all of your senses. Evaluate how much your surroundings are pushing into you from the external. Decipher what energy you are projecting outwards from your internal wealth.

Let your gaze drift upwards, releasing the pressure of any unwelcome emotional pressure. Don't listen so closely to incoming information. Simply holding space with love from the heart decreases intensity. Create a mental list of what you are thankful for especially the things we take for granted like food or housing or health.

Look at the big picture. Instead of dwelling on the present day as a still life, stretch your life into a landscape. Include background colors and hues. Visualize being a child, seeing the magic missed by adult eyes. Gather gratitude for the strength you have maintained to become the exceptional human God always intended you to be.

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