Saturday, November 11, 2023

Human Decency

"The tragedy of war is that it uses man's best
to do man's worst."
Henry Fosdick

There is sorrow in my heart for all of the soldiers who survived or were sacrificed in the act of war. I shall honor them for the courage of their service and pray for their mental health to become stabilized as they re-enter civilian life.  There are no words to address the  physical damages that impact the body, mind, and soul.

Soldiers who served in any capacity with the military aught to receive abundant support. Efforts for peace need to be directed to our government for change. As long as there is profit in war, those in power will be resistant to change. Whatever happened to 'for the people, by the people'?

I mourn the loss of those who died in battle, committed suicide or suffered from emotional dysfunctions. I admire those who have persevered to leave the past destruction behind them while making current efforts towards peace. When peace is rekindled through acts of human decency, barbaric wars will cease and our best will no longer pay the price of greedy men. 


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