Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Feeding Cravings

"I am repeatedly struck by how long we linger 
in places that leave us starved."
Mitch Davidowitz 

It is when our needs go unmet that we begin to take ownership of the lack of investment from others. We falsely assume that others are not investing in us because we are lacking. Somehow we come to  believe there must be things to be accomplished or provided in order to receive the affection, acceptance, and security we crave.

When we do not feel supported in a relationship, it is imperative to understand the quality of the connection. If we use our energy to disengage and seek new options, rather than investing in what no longer works, life begins to flow once again. Including inspirational resources as we shift, helps to restore a sense of self-worth.

When we trust and have faith in our own abilities, the temptation to remain in negative or stagnant unions lessens. Believing once again that we are lovable and equipped with quality gifts, power returns and adventures begin. No longer will we settle for those who can never meet our needs while believing the best is yet to come.


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