Tuesday, July 5, 2016

To Love Better

"Please tell me how I can love you better."
Thich Nhat Hanh

I was reading an article by Omid Safi discussing "the challenge to think about and practice a generous type of love that transcends the tragedy and the suffering in the world right now."  It grows difficult to subject myself to any form of world wide or local news, as I want to maintain calm in the midst of chaos.

The answer to chaos is not found in aggression, but in delving into the basic needs of life to thrive.  We are called to do hard things, but when we join together the task can become peaceful.  Instead of invading with violence, can we not ask what is needed and truly listen?  

We are called to react with loving kindness, not fear.  We are beckoned to peaceful living. We are all children of a deity no matter the description.  Not alone, but together we must discover how we can best love each other.  We can establish peace together, not alone.


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