Sunday, July 17, 2016

Breaking Barriers

"Your task is not to seek love,
but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it."

Breaking down barriers can be exhausting inner work.  The listed tools can help you on the outside.  Confidence:  Allow the yourself to settle deeply into the body with total acceptance of who you are in this very moment.  Consider yourself as a project under construction, and do not be anxious about being seen.  Let yourself be visible, knowing deep inside you are becoming more authentic.

Articulate:   You have the right to express your feelings and intentions without expectations of approval.  If this is difficult for you, begin by writing thoughts and values down until you feel strong enough to speak out loud.

Activate:  Begin to play with your imagination.  Have some fun through creative expression or being outside in nature.  Make a list of activities you know would be fun, like movies, books, destinations, or physical enjoyment.  Then pursue them.

Connection:  You need to feel connected. Develop a supportive relationship with someone you trust and engage them to be a listener of your progress.  Ask for encouragement and reminders of other tasks nearly completed or mastered.  Minimize contact with those who drain you.

Align:  Gradually integrate all that you do so that you feel whole.  If you are striving for integrity, make sure your employment or position in relationship enhances integrity.  Orchestrate life so that your outer life is in tune with your inner desires.  Replace shopping with visits to a library.  Substitude unhealthy eating with fresh produce from a local farmers market.

Energy:  When you are feeling low, get outside to stimulate good feelings and connection instead of withdrawing into nap time.  Refrain from being with people who do not make you feel good about yourself.  Seek out kindred spirits or those who inspire you.

Sacred:  Connect with whatever you deem to be sacred.  Open your heart to your definition of divinity and request sacred presence in your life.  Light a small candle in honor of your spirit.

Participate:  You must participate in orchestrating a meaningful future.  You cannot sit back and just expect it to magically happen.  You have to get out and greet it half way.

Open your heart and visualize goodness coming to you just as you extend goodness to others.

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