Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Language of Nature

"The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me."
Chief Dan George

In spite of growing up in a city apartment, my communication with nature blossomed early on.  My childhood is filled with memories of being outside with nature.  Idle hours were spent flat on my back in the small patch of grass, staring at the formations of clouds in the sky.  I listened to the birds singing songs and welcomed the breeze across my dirty little palms and filthy naked feet.

I collected rocks wherever I roamed and hid a treasure of tins, note pads, and books discarded in the building trash. My fortune was the wild freedom I felt whether stomping in the rain, gathering flowers, envying falling leaves or rolling in the snow.  I greeted the stars every night and followed the moon across the sky.  

Nature speaks a language that warms the tender heart, fills empty spaces, and heals unseen wounds.   It beckons me to discover connection in fields of flowers, rain forests and waterfalls.  It embraces me with ocean waves and whispers delight as the sun slowly presents each new day.  Nature is my constant companion never tiring of my questioning words.

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