Saturday, July 23, 2016

Perfect In Spite of Imperfection

"A 'perfect' person ends up being one who can consciously forgive
and include imperfection rather than one who thinks he or she is
totally above and beyond imperfection."
Richard Rohr

Beware of the person claiming to be above and beyond imperfection, as we are all flawed with the potential to forgive and accept. The person to admit to weaknesses and willing owns the error of his or her ways, has learned to accept and forgive.  

We come to revere someone and model our behavior upon what they share.  It is natural to identify with wise teachers as long as we do not view them as perfection.  As a living human being, we strive to overcome, not ignore, our shortcomings and expand our goodness.  

An individual stimulating the creation of goodness based upon what he or she has processed, might advance our understanding better than someone who has not dealt with their own issues.  It is through the exchange of forgiveness we learn to accept ourselves as well as others.  We are all perfect in spite of our imperfection.

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