Friday, July 1, 2016

Open the Cover, Read the Page


"Social support is not the same as merely being in the presence of others.
The critical issue is reciprocity:  being truly heard and seen by people around us,
feeling that we are held in someone else's mind and heart."
Bessel Van Der Kolk

Individually, we have an important message, but the strength of the message grows with reciprocation.  Each one must be heard and each one must be listened to.  We can agree or agree to disagree, but we must be open to the dialogue.   A book may be filled with wisdom, but if the cover is not opened for the pages to be read, the brilliance remains in darkness.  

In the midst of a crowd, we can feel isolated  We are physically present, but without a gesture we feel adrift.  As others banter on, no one notices our withdrawal.  Without exchange, we wilt like a delicate flower, as our fragrance and beauty are lost upon unseeing eyes.

If we gather the courage to speak out loud, others may talk right over us, or return to a previous subject matter as though our words were not yet stated.  We patiently wait for a slit of silence, lingering eye contact,  and a space to be present.  We crave a sense of belonging and a permanency in just one other person's world. 

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