Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Living in Delusion

"People who are only willing to look at or to be aware of
one portion of themselves are essentially living in delusion ~
well-intended though that delusion might be."
Douglas Mosely and Naomi Mosely
The Shadow Side of Intimate Relationships

Fishing on Facebook is a memoir written by yoga teacher Suza Francina. (Thanks Nancy Hodge Long for sharing it!)  It is a novel based on Suza's personal journal, blog site, and yoga practice.  This writing captivates for several hours, as the reader moves  from the first page straight to the end. It reflects women who over extend compassion at a personal cost in emotionally abusive relationships.  

Pathological liars and narcissists are not restricted to males, but in abusive intimate relationships, men appear to be predominant offenders.  Educated and life experienced women subject themselves  to falsehoods trusting the partner will get better.   Women ignore red flags in the midst of deceit and will falsely accept responsibility for creating discord when the abuser is clearly at fault. 

Women seek peace and calm at all cost, forgetting the person who owns the problem can only elicit change and "you gotta wanna".  They believe they can overcome the shortcomings of a mate to secure a happy ending.  The heartbreaking overview is what breaks a connection in the end is clearly present early in the beginning of  the relationship.  If we could "trust our gut" instincts, pay attention to the awareness in all parts of our lovely selves,  and focus on our own needs, we would experience far less heartbreak.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Virginia Carlson, for your review of my book and your personal observations.
