Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Time to Begin

"Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes,
that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts."
Paramahansa Yogananda

When we discern what it is we can individually offer to the world in terms of spreading kindness, we join world forces.  We do not have to be a billionaire to make a difference.  All we need is to activate our unique abilities.

Day to day contributions are needed and children, students, and adults are making considerable inventions based upon their own imaginative strengths.  Ideas are surfacing on many levels by every day people.  Donating flowers and vegetables from gardens to nursing homes, shelters, or struggling families is on the rise.  What do we offer to our community?

Make this an exciting time in life by paying it forward.  An extended hand to those who grieve, reading out loud to someone who no longer sees, volunteer just to be present or sharing a smile that passes through the heart and out through the eyes.  To simply extend our lovely selves can shift the sadness of one other.  The time to begin is now.

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