Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Silently Give Away

"Continue drawing from your inner source of loving kindness
and let it flow toward someone about whom you feel neutral
or indifferent,  a stranger."
Richard Rohr

For years, I have traveled a route taking me by a prison.  I forget about it until it grabs my attention in a clearing with high fences in the middle of no where.  My eyes immediately glance up to the guard house to see silhouettes of  two men.  This is when I begin my banter with the Divine.  "Please, let them be safe.  Let all of the men be safe.  Allow inspiration to visit someone and hope bubble up in a dream."  

I never used to do this.  At one time I would feel claustrophobic, creepy solitude, and descending depression.  This of course was a total waste of energy!  I began to channel good wishes as I passed, truly believing the men in the yard would receive a shift of energy.

Actually, I am inspired to do this energy-giving daily.  There is plenty of invisible kindness for the bird in the back yard or a wilting flower or the mailman or a stranger in the news.      I offer them positive energy as they unknowingly come into my view.  Loving kindness is easy to silently give away.

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