Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Sacred Places

"Underneath the chaos of everyday living,
peace is patiently awaiting our discovery ...
go within."
Jaeda DeWalt

Where is your sacred place ... the safe harbor you seek when silence is needed?  Is it a physical structure like a temple or wooded area?  Do you retreat into music, reading, or writing?  Contemplation or guided imagery are perfect ports for hibernation to block out the busyness of the fast paced life.

We can stock pile vacation days for a perfect retreat or combine a business trip with pleasure.  We can spend a fortune or volunteer to participate in enshrined visitations.  All of this out sourcing, overlooking the most obvious sanctuary waiting within our very hearts.

The heart is a temple filled with overflowing love.  When we walk in reality, we sense the sacred through our open heart.  The wind, trees and birds become sacred, as does the water, stars and moon.  We begin to recognize the sacred within each human choosing to blend into one luminous light.

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