Monday, April 25, 2016

Without Conflict

"Takes Two to Tango"
Song by Hoffman and Manning 1952

Life leads us to engage in numerous groups, and the gatherings may become the highlight of our calendar or a dreaded engagement.  A solution for replacing negativity with positive energy, without conflict can be easier than one might think.

Madisyn Taylor of THE DAILY OM suggests we choose a similar minded person from within the group and work together to continually shift conversations to a higher level.  When two people join forces for the positive, it is surprisingly more powerful than the actions of one.

When two people are united in lifting the energy of a group, conversation is easily led away from idle gossip or criticism.  The group shifts into more positive attitudes and unites the group; whereas,  negative focus separates and divides.  So do not give up or resign just yet!  Tag one other to be on the team of light and try to shape shift the atmosphere from dark to light.


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