Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mastering Transformation with Love

"When you live in this state of love, at the level of communion
where you let the Life get in and you let the Life flow out of you to others,
you are experiencing pure transformation."
Richard Rohr

To live in isolation might cultivate a sense of pure love, but to live in the world with the intent to exchange love heightens our daily experience.  It is astonishing to experience Divine Spirit on the inner plains of our being, but even more empowering when we share it with others.

If we shelter ourselves from the challenges of the world, we do not fully experience the expansive transformation which happens in union with others.  When we give what we have received, our joy is doubled.  Through this love exchange, we are all brought closer together dissolving barriers.

The challenge at hand is to fully develop an authentic sense of self filled with love while allowing others to do the same.  When everyone thrives in this state of love, there will be no profit in harming any other.  With acceptance and respect, we forge together aiming for the internal and external transformation that only love can master.

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