Thursday, April 21, 2016

Walk This Human Path

"Many Christians today are rediscovering prayer beads, prayer of quiet,
icons, contemplative sits, Taize chants, charismatic prayer, walking meditation
Zen chores, extended silence, solitude, and spiritual direction."
Richard Rohr

As a child, my prayers were read from prayer books or recited in groups during Sunday school.  Although I do not recall being instructed, I knew not to approach God one on one.  A priest, minister, nun or patron saint presented our prayer requests.  They had been cleansed and free from sin.  Such were my childhood beliefs.

As an adult, my spiritual discipline grew into diverse philosophies, cultures, and practises.  My faith burst from a confining position on my knees to a liberation of exploring the greater realms.  Rituals were  celebrated at gatherings with a reverence never before experienced.

While perpetuating union with the Divine, I have been able to bring spirituality into all aspects of my life no matter who is with me or where I might be.  My sacred bliss is not confined to Sunday services as it flows throughout my week.  My prayers have become one on one discussions or whispers of delight or chants during celebration or simply one with nature.  My life blends with Spirit as I walk this human path.

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