Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Allow The Inner Muse To Play

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal 
and give strength to body and soul."
John Muir
The Yosemite

Whether our playground is a library, art gallery or movie theater, the result of the visit needs to nurture our soul.   We need to feel an excitement from the moment our toes cross the threshold continuing until the dread of leaving becomes reality.  Within our play, time is suspended and we become lost into other realms.  Our inner muse awakens us deeper into the creative crevices of the imagination.

Our playground might change from season to season.  We may wander inside or outside, focusing on the beauty surrounding us.  If the view from an apartment is stunted, open a window and let the wind carry messages into the heart.  If we travel by airplanes, buses, or trains, we can allow our eyes to gently blur the outside scenery to distract our overly active brains, while allowing  our subconscious dreams and fears to rise to the surface.

The concept of a personal playground trumps the actual physical space.  Do not wait for a trip to Maui or a get away weekend for a play date.  All one needs is the ability to gently close both eyes while allowing distractions to fall away.  There is no need to force an inner landscape or a particular mindset.  Just be still and allow the inner muse to play which will revive the body, mind, and soul.

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