Sunday, April 3, 2016

Three Nice Things

"Three things in human life are important:
the first is to be kind;
the second is to be kind;
and the third is to be kind."
Henry James

Disrespectful comments take more energy, than just expressing goodness.  We are not helping any one when we  reiterate their wrong doing, driving home once again the error of their way.  Allowing our own anger to be triggered just fuels the flames for further damage.

What if we had to say three nice things about a person before allowed one criticism?  How would attitudes shift and self esteem prosper?  There are times we need to honor ourselves by voicing a complaint, but when we express ourselves, how much better will we be heard if we choose kind words?

Correction can be more effective when we involve others:  I need assistance, will you help me? Can you show me a better way?  What strategy can we create together to meet both of our needs?  These questions reflect respect for the other person which will enable them to respond favorably.  When we choose kindness, we feel better about others, and also about our lovely selves as well.

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