Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Magnolia Tree

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful;
for beauty is God's handwriting ~ a wayside sacrament."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Magnolia Tree is known for its numerous flowers and height.  The enclosed petals are layered with pink variegated colors and the tight buds resemble a tulip.  As the bud opens, more variation of color is displayed.  The flower turns into a gentle layering of beauty.  While the blossoms remain on the multitude of branches, the petals begin to change into delicate colors.  As the expired petals fall to the ground, they resemble gently falling snow.  As the beauty falls from the tree with elegance, the ground below is covered in a blanket of beauty and grace.

The Magnolia Tree is a symbol of strength and delicacy.  It is deeply rooted, graciously bends with the wind, and stretches towards the sky.  It beholds an abundance of beautiful flowers that gently fall as gifts to the earth.

The Magnolia Tree gives me hope that I, too, can be both strong and tender.  My roots run deeply into the earth and my branches also reach for the stars. Perhaps my gifts will sprout layers of color and gracefulness to bring inspiration and gratitude to any who happen by.  As I age, maybe I will leave an elegant, yet gauzy trail upon the hearts of others.

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