Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Facing A Blank Page ...

"It's not things in themselves that trouble us,
but our opinion of things."

Requested to submit an article about a specific opinion, a pivotal awareness emerged within me. I was unable to respond with any sense of enthusiasm or commitment. My sentences would not link together and my words sounded conflicted. 

It was a subject matter that did not engage me emotionally, physically, or spiritually. I realized my opinion was not necessary. My opinion would boil down to gossip on a subject someone else was interested in.

If I can intelligently support a subject improving the life of one other, my passion summons perfect words.  If my work is requested to simply bolster a false sense of ego or to emphasize an unfortunate error, no one needs my input. Gossip harms all people involved.  I choose  strive to use my words carefully to uphold hope, recognize personal worth, and enhance life for all of us.  

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