Monday, April 4, 2016

Instead of Hiding

"They knew as fully as they were known."
1 Corinthians 13:12

Our communication with the Divine is usually geared towards requesting guidance or favors.  We contemplate the magnitude of God and how this never ending energy permeates life.  Our focus is centered upon forming concepts and understanding all that is sacred.

It is additionally important for each of us to show the Divine how we are wielding our authenticity.  The Divine might appreciate a conversation reflecting how we are blending aspects of our lovely selves together.  It is powerful to stand before God in contemplation and say, "This is me!"

By allowing God to view us as we perceive ourselves to be can be very powerful.  Instead of hiding ourselves in shame or fearing God's disappointment, we can honestly present a clear presentation and experience acceptance.  The power of  'knowing' and being 'known' advances our spiritual journey.

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