Monday, April 11, 2016

Unlatching The Gate

"I have accepted fear as part of life -
specifically the fear of change ...
I have gone ahead despite the pounding 
in the heart that says:  turn back ...
Erica Jong

If we do not allow change to enter our lives, we will remain gated in a dark garden. Without a breath of fresh air, we become stagnant, bored, and misdirected.  Fear is usually our barrier from moving forward.  When we bravely step through the illusion of fear, unlatching the gate, we are led to inspiring paths.

New insight brightens the paths that had been hidden in darkness or fear.  We discover options that will break the chains previously holding us in repetitive mistakes.  Clarity of thought allows us to have new perspective and a more positive attitude to proceed deeper into the garden of life.  

Steps we viewed with fear become massive imprints towards enhancement. The small thinking controlled by darkness transforms into a bigger picture offering hope, desire, and passion.  Dare to wander into the light of the garden, discovering amazing choices of how to courageously live life.

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