Friday, April 8, 2016

Amazing Energy

"You are amazing as you let yourself be.
Let me repeat.  
You are as amazing as you let yourself be."
Elizabeth Alraune

Let us pretend we are buzzing down a six lane interstate in our car with hands tightly gripped around the steering wheel as crazy drivers dodge in and out, risking the lives of others.  Together, we will take a deep breath, flip our turn signal on, and exit onto a random less traveled highway.  

As our speed reduces, our shoulders sink back down to where they belong and our neck becomes flexible again.  Our mind relaxes and it begins to notice the wind in the trees up and down the country road.   High above us birds are leisurely in flight, and the clouds are gently moving across the sky.  In the pasture to our left we notice a handsome horse stretching its mighty limbs while galloping with a sense of freedom.  

At the end of the road, we exit the car to sit in the meadow dotted with wild flowers.  The sun shines on our faces and as we sit upon the sacred ground, we begin to feel connected to all things.  Breathing in the pristine air, our body releases all stress and tension.  As we close our eyes, we begin to remember who we really are ... amazing energy capable of authentic contributions to our complicated world.

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