Thursday, August 26, 2021

Taking Flight

"If you hang out with chickens, you are going to cluck,
and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly."
Steve Maraboli

When I sit on Mother Earth and lean against a tree, I look up to see clouds floating and birds flying.  How simple flight seems to be ... calming, freeing, and imaginative.  During a session with a trusted and highly respected light worker,  my body was stretched across the massage table, while my mind was expanding into first hand experience.

I have forgotten what prompt was used, but suddenly I was looking through eyes that were not my own.  As I moved closer into these portals, I realized I was a hawk flying miraculously high in the sky.  Then I gently moved into being a silk scarf, billowing down to the earth.  Weightless and suspended, I felt the perfection of being in the flow.  Lastly, I was in water, curving into the curl of a wave and becoming foam, almost non-existent.   

My truth does not have to be any one else's truth.  It can be accepted or rejected; however, this is not reason enough for me not to believe in the Oneness of all things. Spiritual experiences have come to me during Shamanic Breath Work,  Hypnotic Regression, Dreamscapes, and Creative Visualization.  Even if these experiences separate me from the clucking of chickens, I will be  happily content gliding with the birds.

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