Monday, August 9, 2021

Shedding Skin

"We need to incubate who we are within layers
of who we may become."
Mark Nepo

Mark Nepo compares our bodies to fruit ... having both skin and sweetness inside ... and how we incubate or shed our covering.  He shares, if we get caught up in creating our goals within, the ripeness of our original desire may be rotten.

With this same concept, Mark Nepo states we strive to free our lovely selves from coverings we have out grown.  It is a condition we may experience throughout our lives.  There is a need to embrace our dreams and our challenges in order to mature.

Fruits can be over watered, get too much sun or simply rot on the vines. Some are more perishable than others while others may taste sour when sweetness had been expected.  All of this points to our own need to be accountable, to look within, and focus on personal growth.

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