Saturday, August 14, 2021

Distraction from Sorrow

"A single beat from the heart of a lover is
capable of driving out a hundred sorrows."
Naguib Mahfouz

There is something about a touch from a lover that makes the chaos of life fade away.  If we can gaze into the eyes with trust, there is the blessing of being understood.  An embrace connects us with a sense of protection.  In a brief moment, all worry fades away.

When we are not in a physical relationship, we can receive similar aspects from nature.  Standing barefoot upon Mother Earth can solidify our body, mind and spirit. To sit in stillness, listening to the songs of the birds, observing the flight of a butterfly, and feeling the deep touch of the wind can connect us sensuously. 

When we develop communication with Divine Spirit, we are not necessarily verbal.  We can close our eyes and sense the presence of something greater than human.  We can listen for wisdom, and guidance.  We can mentally see images or destinations.  Our imagination can embellish what we need to feel pertinent and loved.


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