Sunday, August 8, 2021

Dweller Within


"These bodies are perishable,
but the Dweller in these bodies are eternal."

Even as a child, I held a deep awareness of a presence within me.  On the outside, I depended upon an automatic pilot to be viewed as normal.  I felt grounded within and at risk with the outer.  I totally embraced the knowledge that seemed beyond my years.

This sacred place within me would house Jesus, spirit guides, magic of nature, over thirty years of Reiki and a fierce observation of others.  I could walk into any situation and immediately sense the emotional vibration.  At length, I could get lost into the clouds and sky; the moon and stars; and an intense connection with water.

As I am aging, the sense of the inner dweller increases.  My physical body, although exceptionally strong and healthy, seems to feel less important.  Although the presence of chaos in our world and communities is acutely  noticed, my inner self tends to rise above in search of peace and calm. I believe one day I shall shed my body and return to a realm of love and oneness.

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