Saturday, August 21, 2021

Strings Attached

"True friends are always together in spirit."
L.M. Montgomery

During the last few years, I have experienced the death of friends.  I keep them alive in my heart, and remain happy they have crossed over to another realm.  I do believe they are learning the importance of their human existence and adjusting to the existence now before them.

When I moved to Nashville, my circle of friends remained behind.  These women were 'sisters of my heart' who offered understanding, guidance, in depth conversations and numerous ways to express creativity. I continue to carry their essence in my body, mind, and spirit.

I cannot help but ponder if they will remain 'alive' to me when I, too, shall pass.  Will I be able to look back down upon them, extending vibrant energy for them to explore, expand, and enhance?  I suppose they will not identify an energy burst from me, but as long as they sense a loving presence, my spirit will continue to connect!

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