Friday, August 27, 2021

Prior to Reaching the Top

"How you climb a mountain is more important
than reaching the top."
Yvon Chouinard

If we examine our timelines for accomplishments, we view both struggle and satisfaction in addition to the result of completion.  It is rewarding to not hold out until the end.  We can easily go the distance if we enjoy the passage as well as the end.

This is reason enough to avoid speeding through life.  Master pieces are rarely produced in one sitting.  Perception continues to expand when we rekindle the first spark of fire.  Glancing from side to side, taking in sounds, colors, and music, our Master piece will be enhanced.

How often one hears a visionary state, "This is not how I thought it would come out ... it's even better!" This is why it is beneficial to include at the end of request ... "This or something better."  It is all about trust, gratitude, thanksgiving, and increased vision.

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