Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Get Out of the Way!


"Simplicity brings more happiness than complexity."
Jack Kornfield

It is beneficial to organize segments of our lives, but to over analyze or develop intricate projections can rob one of unique experiences.   When we get out of our own way, the Universe, Divine Spirit, God can place us in a flow to carry us where we uniquely need to be.

God has a plan, and if our minds are jammed full of clutter, we may never hear the prompts so freely given.  If we are distracted, we may not see the magic surrounding us.  The significance of incidents may be lost to us, if our minds are not open.

When we simplify our body, mind, and spirit, space becomes available for new experiences.  Even if we remain in the same spot, seeing with new eyes, hearing in silence, and open our hearts, we sense a connectedness. When the drama and chaos are no longer driving us, we discover a stillness where all things become possible. 

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