Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Integrated Living

"Be whole in each thing.
Put all that you are
Into the least you do."
Fernando Pessoa

As water is poured into our plants or gardens, blend thoughts of goodness for healthy growth.  When we stand upon Mother Earth, feel the energy beneath the feet and imagine streams shooting up to the heavens from our heads.  As we prepare meals, we can be thankful for the gifts of produce and fruit.

Whether we grocery shop, run errands or visit elders, open the heart to bring light into those encountered.  Trash on the ground?  Dispose it out of respect to the earth as it struggles to overcome its own obstacles.  When we see someone less fortunate, send him or her a silent message, "Today experience insight!"

No matter how big or small the chore, if we sink our heart into the task, we open to enhanced attitudes. We can hum or sing or turn on music.  We open windows to the soul or inner being.  Life will reflect back to us how we engage in life.  If we visualize higher thinking/living, we will smoothly move through the challenges that approach us and discover the road to integrated living.


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