Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The True Home

In the cave of the heart, the true I
Radiates alone with a subtle light:
The one essence shining forth without defect ~
Blissful consciousness of Being.

Oleg Mogilever
(trans Nadhia Sutara)
Inquiry into the "I'

For many years, my focus was on "Who am I?" while discovering what part I was playing in the greater theater of the Universe.  My attempt to identify myself with worldly labels left me empty lacking a sense of passion.  Upon realizing all I was seeking resided within me, satisfied my yearnings and allowed me time to explore my gifts and how I was to use them.

The other day a friend remarked about the difference between helping and serving and it is a point worth sharing.  When you help someone, there is occasion to become an enabler or to become a barrier to a lesson the person needs to experience.  In serving, a person is assisting and empowering the other person.  The individual is led to a higher understanding, actualizing personal growth.  It is no longer about 'me' anymore, but it is about how Divine Spirit can best use me to serve others.

Instead of using my energy to be seeking from outside of myself, I sit filled with bliss just being connected to the radiant inner light of my soul.  This is the true home.  This stillness is the source of comfort and hope.  The whispers of the soul create vivid images of inspiration and flight.  There is no better place to be. 

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