Monday, July 15, 2013

Speak Up Buttercup!


Anger is almost always a sign, Virginia, that you've been quiet for too long.

Speak up, buttercup -

The Universe


There are many theories about  behavioral patterns centered around anger.  Anger is an emotion our culture has allowed men to express while teaching women to repress.  The evolution of women, however, has been encouraging all women to use their voice.  The voice can express anger through song, poetry, creative endeavors, and by sharing with mentors or trusted friends.
Anger is an emotion everyone experiences.  It doesn't mean we are right or wrong.  It is an emotion to feel and express.  We find that anger itself is not inappropriate, but the behaviors we choose to display this emotion, must be carefully selected. 

If we ignore our anger, it builds within us.  If we continue to hoard anger it impacts our body, mind, and soul.  Anger can be like poison, eating away at us, devouring our good parts.  We are not anger.  Anger is an emotion we experience as human beings.

If we do not let anger out a little at a time, like releasing air from an inflated balloon, the slightest amount of anger will blow up our stockpile.  We will loose control and act in a way we would never be proud of.  We must learn healthy ways of working with anger.

To be angry, does not necessarily mean loud voices and ultimatums.  Sometimes a quiet soft voice expressing how you feel, without accusing or shaming an other, can be quite powerful.  We have the right to say what we think, even if we are wrong. 

When we use our voice speaking from deep within our heart, Divine Spirit assists us in maintaining our focus to be able to present in a positive way.  If we are deeply angry, writing out our words, expressing them non-stop on paper, can harm no one.  Burn the paper when we feel completely empty of this emotion.

Sometimes we do not express our emotions for fear of hurting someone else's feelings, never realizing we are hurting our selves more by not speaking out.  Speaking our truth in an honest, non-confrontational way, can bring us joy and a sense of personal power.   We speak our truth for sharing regardless of what others may think or feel.  We have the right
to use our voice and once we extract our anger, our words become a symphony. 

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