Thursday, July 25, 2013

Find A Path, Any Path

"People take different roads
seeking fulfillment and happiness.
Just because they're not on your road
doesn't mean they've gotten lost."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. 

My friend Nancy, (yoga instructor extraordinaire), loaned me a book entitled, FLIPSIDE: A Tourists Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife, by Richard Martini.  It is an interesting read and he references Michael Newton quite frequently.  Michael Newton is author of JOURNEY OF SOULS and DESTINY OF SOULS, both offering nourishing food for thought.

In addition to ancient and traditional religions, there are many holistic paths to choose from  offering everything from solitary life to international movements.  There are many resources to explore and it would be my hope that all peoples educate themselves and then choose the road they desire to travel.  Get on a path and follow it as a personal quest.  Discover the connectedness between our inner self and the Divine.  Become aware of the light shinning within enabling us to see our gifts and talents.  Understand that we personally impact whoever we come in contact with daily, monthly, or yearly.  Our energy field ripples out into our community whether we go outside or not.  Your actions and energy impact all living things .

The most important aspect is not agreeing, but respecting the beliefs of others.  God loves everything created so who are we to judge?  We have free will and we need to use it.  Divine is in each and every one of us and cheers us all forward.  Certainly the Great Divine Spirit sighs when we fail to reach our best potential, but immediately support offers new opportunities for us to begin again.

VIRGINIA'S VOICE is about Articulating Silence, Exploring Inner Landscapes and Deciphering Dreams with the desire to challenge and support any readers.  If the reader is not in agreement with me, that is good as it indicates the reader is thinking!  If the reader is in agreement with me, that is good that kindred spirits can connect. 

Those who believe differently are still traveling a spiritual path.  We are all headed to the same place, just traveling different routes.  Allow faith to come alive with adventure.  Find a path, any path, and explore. Get on the path to sacred and personal discovery!

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