Friday, July 12, 2013

The Rambling Train of Continuity

The Proverbial Ladder of Success has always been interesting  in terms of watching from a distance.  Some people scamper right up the ladder to the top, knocking others off along the way, while others cling to one rung until forced to reach for the next.  It is an easy observation that no one really stays at the top of this ladder indefinitely.  There are plenty of others following behind the person at the top and they seem to be eager to bump the risen from the highest perch.

Whether author, politician, clergy, or medical, the person clamoring to the top experiences a very short rush with success, before being knocked off from the top.  It isn't a very graceful fall back to the bottom.  This ladder is a structure of competition breeding deceptions with the best man not always succeeding.

Not liking this concept of the ladder of success, envision a rambling train of continuity.  We are all aboard this train and we visit different cars.  As equals, we move from one  train car to another, sometimes enjoying the power of being in the engine while during other moments casually taking in the view of the caboose.  One train car is not better than the other, simply different, offering various samples of life.  We are neither higher nor lower.  There is equality on the train.

When we ride the train we encourage others to follow their heart's desire exploring many levels of life honestly and openly.  As equal passengers we realize we have a choice of how and where we want to succeed.  The push to the top is non-existent, as riding in each car of the train fills us with a sense of accomplishment.  There is time to share  compassion and to embrace the loveliness of each other.  Together we form a complete vessel moving forward.

The fall from the top of the ladder is never graceful.  It is impacted by shame, guilt, and often times stories of dishonesty lacking any resemblance to truth.  The person falling becomes judged and ridiculed perhaps never again to show their face.

The atmosphere on the rambling train is one of affirmative movement, visiting a train compartment up ahead or retracing steps back to an earlier authentic experience.  The people riding the train ultimately learn balance and harmony.  There are sleeping compartments, club cars, and sometimes a higher glass dome for those wanting a higher view. 

Get off the ladder and come aboard!  The journey through life is much safer and more scenic than clinging to the rungs of a ladder.  Besides, it is always fun to see who will get to blow the train whistle, especially when zipping through a long tunnel.

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