Sunday, July 28, 2013

Waiting to be Perceived

 "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit
who reveals himself in the slightest details
we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."
Albert Einstein
This morning I have been looking at everything in the yard, discerning Divine Spirit in each lovely creation in nature:  dancing butterflies, birds of all hues, deeply rooted old trees, blades of grass, flowers thriving, squirrels having anxiety attacks, bunnies nibbling, chipmunks dashing, and bees of course buzzing.
As my mind wanders, I recall a scene in a book I was reading last night entitled, THE WITCH DOCTOR'S WIFE by Tamar Myers.  The scene was a cave hidden behind a waterfall where a 7 foot man was hiding in the depth of Africa.  In the present moment, my focus fell upon the waterfall ... hearing the power and strength of the water itself;  seeing blue, white and silver flashes streaming through the water; feeling the mist soak upon my face; and tasting this pure water on my thirsting lips.   On my back I could feel the cold air coming from the cave, and the earth pulsing under my sit bone.  I could hear the sun beckoning me to dry myself on the ledge of the cave, but I remained in the glory of Divine Spirit surrounding me. 
Wherever we are in this moment, embrace the Divine Spirit waiting to be noticed in all things.  This Universal Love is present for all of us to experience with our 'frail and feeble mind.'  Even if we are in the midst of poverty or emotional upheaval what small spec is reflecting the light to encourage us and to connect with us.  No matter 'where' we are ... physically, emotionally, or spiritually ...  Divine Spirit is within and surrounding us, waiting to  be perceived.


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