Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Articulating with the Soul

"Writing is a friend whose shoulder we can cry on.  Writing is a confidant who listens and lets us sort things out.  Writing is a comrade, marching with us through the steep days of sorrow and despair.  Writing is our weather and also how we change our weather.  Writing is our landscape and how we view the landscape that we have." 

Julia Cameron

Writing is creative and liberating.  It does not matter if we use a computer or a fancy journal.  The intent is to self-express and as the hand moves across the page or the fingers move on the computer keys, our ego is distracted while our emotional make up creates previously undisclosed wisdom upon the page. 

We can sketch or draw on our private spaces and grammar is never circled by a red inked pen.  There is no right or wrong as we have free license to do nothing but experiment and explore.  When all is said and done, the writing can be burned or kept on a shelf to be savored on another day. 

When I do not remain disciplined in my writing, I feel as though my insides get all jammed up.  It doesn't matter if I share my feelings with my friends or mentors or sisters of my heart, I am not complete until my words flow onto the page. 

Just as an athlete refers to the 'zone', I can refer to the flow.  As my hand glides across the page I unknowingly release attitudes and perceptions that are often a surprise to me.  There seems to be a cadence that comes, a rhythm or a flow, where things just stream upon the page and later I will wonder from where they have come.  The written words will resonate, and I know I have been in touch with my soul.  I have communicated with my higher self  for awareness, clarity and courage.  Indeed, Divine Spirit has been articulating with my soul.

1 comment:

  1. So very true! I am feeling the urge to write again & it holds all of these things you speak so beautifully about. I am finishing my "book," but the writing I'm referring to is something different... Great post!
