Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sacred Space

"Your sacred space is where you find yourself again and again."
Joseph Campbell

There comes a time when we need to retreat to a sacred place whether it is in our mind's eye or a neighboring park. We can invite spirit guides or animal totems or loved ones from the other side to nurture and uplift our soul. When we routinely visit this private space, the entry is faster and the experience grows deeper.

There is no need for a memorized mantra or list of affirmations for it is in the stillness that messages are heard. As we are surrounded by silence or the sounds of nature, we are instantly comforted and transported to places otherwise unknown. We begin to sense an element of healing while reclaiming our power.

Upon returning from this sacred space, we once again feel connected to life with a stronger sense of communication which impacts our emotions, mental states, and behaviors. Rather than feeling restrained, we begin to flow and trust that we are being called forward towards manifesting a sense of sacred in our every day lives. 

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