Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Switch Colors

"Identifying the pattern is awareness,
choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth."

A woman had been seeking a new residence for quite some time, unsuccessfully. While contemplating her frustrating situation, she was distracted and made a wrong turn. As she drove down the unfamiliar street, before her very eyes was the dwelling which would become her new home. 

Too often, we are unhappy with results, but resist changing routines. We continue to do the same thing repeatedly, expecting different outcomes. If we would simply allow ourselves slight diversion, we would delightfully experience synchronicities. Strangers become friends, opportunities are unveiled, and diverse discoveries prevail.

It can be as simple as changing directions on the way home or visiting a new park or writing with the non-dominant hand. Spontaneous actions lead to new growth. When we feel sluggish, switch it up! Enroll in a new class, explore random job opportunities, and discover all of the other colors in the box. 


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