Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Give Up

"Complete healing depends upon your ability to stop struggling."
Deepak Chopra

Whether you are a man or a woman, you have both a masculine side and a feminine side. If we are aligned, we can fluidly move from one side to the other.  The masculine elements are associated with physical movement, decision making and perhaps aggression. The feminine side is labeled as creative, flexible, and gentle. With flexible boundaries, you can adjust your masculine or feminine approaches.

When you are relaxed and feeling secure, you may utilize your creativity and blend with the flow of life, trusting. If you are faced with challenge, you may be resistant to the point of becoming stuck. When you can gauge what blend is best for you, balance is present which offers safe ground for healing what is tampering with your power. 

It is counter productive when you believe hiding or repressing issues is the mature response as this disallows any sense of healing. If you can be gentle with the self, let surface what is truly bothering you, and sift through the debris of causation, you will be on your way to better health. When you choose to blend the masculine with feminine, you will experience the transition to wholeness. 


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