Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Get Going!

"Inaction is not only the result, but the cause of fear."
Norman Vincent Peale

We may have the best plan ever, but without planning, there may not be a healthy outcome. If we make hasty decisions not taking into consideration the body, mind, and soul, we may be setting ourselves up for failure. Dreams help us break through limited reality, opening to possibility and  capturing fulfillment.  

Too much time can be wasted if we simply project goals into the future without beginning to prepare presently. It is when we take action that energy begins to propel us forward. No matter how grand our intention, actualizing a starting point is imperative. Discovering resources, and regulating expectations, form a sturdy foothold.

When we invest awareness daily, our planning stimulates stronger connections. Rather than focusing on an end result, we can experience excitement on a regular basis. Building momentum increases the odds of becoming successful in what we long to attain.  Instantly we begin to live our dream rather than awaiting undeclared achievement. 


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