Monday, February 5, 2024

This Urge ...

All of my creative yearning has turned into a loud voice saying, "Dammit girl, do something!" Historically, I have made candles; printed my own Christmas cards; weavings with knitting or crochet; water color, acrylic and oil paintings; interior decorating; drum making; and various diverse projects.

This inner voice says, "Yes, but what exactly are you doing now? For months, I have been feeling the urge to create, but I distracted myself waiting for circumstances to be just right. I even loitered thinking I needed more supplies prior to taking on a task. Oh wait, maybe I need to sign up for a class!

Today, with the hope of a forthcoming spring, I have decided it truly is time to begin. I tell my lovely self to just jump in! Inside I know it is a simple matter of picking up a paint brush or grabbing my sketch pad. My heart recalls how if I would just start, it would all magically unfold. What is that saying, "If not now, when?"


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