Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hearts Open

"You are an incredible human being,
and I'm grateful that you exist in this world."

There are incredible human beings in this world and my life is blessed because of them. They are women and men who are unique and driven by compassion for others. Are they perfect? No, not hardly, but they are amazing in nature and profoundly impact my life. Whether they are shedding tears or laughing whole heartedly, they are real.

These souls, disguised as human beings, interact with life holding his and her hearts open. In spite of experiences with sorrow and loss, they persevere, moving forward with a trust that goodness will prevail. They will be the first to stretch out hands to steady and support without expectations of repayment or reward.

These glowing spirits are usually unaware of how deeply they touch my heart by their integrity and trust in human nature. It is not that they are naive, but they allow for error in human nature. Hope fills their hearts, while they sincerely believe each one of us can do great things for the betterment of all.


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