Sunday, February 11, 2024

It Is Time ...


"Walking the stacks in a library, dragging your fingers across the spines ...
it's hard not to feel the presence of sleeping spirits."
Robin Sloan

Dreams sends us messages to broaden our thinking.  They  expand possibilities and allow us to view people playing differing roles. They enable us to view others with compassion which replaces judgment. We become aware of how we might be our own worst enemy, throwing up false barriers to what might make us whole.

It is time to quit repressing unresolved emotions and finally grieve losses. With a lighter sense of being, we can move forward to create a stronger sense of being. Eliminating what no longer makes us feel worthy, the weight is lifted and replaced with a strong sense of buoyancy. This of course encourages us to move forward.

Conformity matters less and we take strides away from the older version of the self. When we surrender to not knowing, we begin to sense the sleeping possibilities awakening. No longer tethered by constricted unions, our devotion kindles the longing to be fully ourselves.  With each new step, we draw closer to the joy of being true to the self. 

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