Friday, April 23, 2021

Get Out of Your Way!

"By accepting and loving your self,
you will be willing and able to accept 
the best that life has to offer you."
Shakti Gawain

One of the best messages I have ever received, more than once, is simply 'to get out of your own way'.  It seems as though I have been my grandest boulder, hurdle, nemesis to any sense of value.  Eventually, I was able to recall certain elements of my life and gather some granules of self-appreciation; however, it is one thing to accept the self and quite another to believe some one else will as well.

As the acceptance of self expands, profound light enters and shines upon differing definitions of love.  The one that emphasizes loving without any expectations of perfection, resonates within me.  If I can love myself just as I am, releases the pressure of being perfect.  After all, it would seem I can do this with others, why not my self?

Erasing parameters of perfection, withdrawing my energy from judgment, I was propelled forward into areas of my inner life.  Once I could embrace these unexpected parts of self, I was able to turn around and shine my light back out into our world. I now thrive on my intention of blending light out to those still lingering in darkness.


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