Thursday, April 22, 2021


"Take time every day to sit quietly
and listen"
Jack Kornfield

If we check in with our lovely selves on a regular basis, we are less likely to become stuck.  When we push our feelings down, when we allow our disintegrating reality be hidden, we are never prepared for the challenges moving directly towards us.

If we find our lovely selves in the middle of angst and disharmony, it is simply meant to be a time to readjust, review, and speculate upon healthier scenarios.  We may feel as though things will never change, and they won't if we do not hold better visions.  

Even when we secure a time for speculation, we often do not maintain our focus.  Our minds wander off to family obligations or fear based scenarios.  Preferably, we can ask if we are where we intended to be; what we need to do to return to our personal agenda; and if we are still interested in our previous desires.  Right now, in this moment, what do we want ... sit quietly and listen.


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