Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Align Thoughts

"Even though the sainted ones from almost every spiritual tradition
teach that the divine is within and the kingdom at hand, our language
still clings to the ancient idea of the divine and kingdom are up there."
Janet Conner

The book, WRITING DOWN YOUR SOUL by Janet Conner reviews old thoughts with the effort to align them with our current thinking.  This author does not preach, teach, nor discern what it is we are to believe, but she assists in updating our data.

I no longer hold the theory that heaven is somehow suspended up above nor do I believe hell is a destination below us. God  resides within us, not just above.  The church is a man made building, whereas, the sacred space where I pray is not physical.

The act of writing down our current beliefs, assists us in making them actively integrated with our daily life.  Depending upon  how aware we are, the integration can be present in each moment of our day.  WRITING DOWN YOUR SOUL stimulates multiple levels of our belief system.


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