Sunday, April 11, 2021

Face Exposure


"We basically protect our sensitive, vulnerable
feelings by erecting a tough outer shell."
Shakti Gawain

It is vitally important for a person, whether male or female, to be able to gently glide from the masculine side to the feminine side, depending upon what a situation calls for.  Each individual will navigate through life less scarred if they can create a level of protection, but not a thick barrier deflecting all options advancing us.

When we stay awake in the moment, remain connected to our intuition, we can call forth what tools are needed.  If we do not anticipate assault at every corner, we can relax into situations deepening our experiences.  When a shift occurs, we can shift with it.  We can be flexible rather than rigid.

If it looks like rain, carry an umbrella rather than wearing a heavy raincoat.  Life does not necessarily intend for us to be overly protected. Growth expands by facing exposure  Besides, a few raindrops can be very cleansing

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