Saturday, April 3, 2021

Human or Spiritual


"We may be spiritual beings having a human experience, 
but doesn't that make us both spiritual and human?"

Mike Dooley is quirky, funny, and up lifting.  He walks his talk and the reader has to run to keep his pace. Hysterically funny, he brightens the harshness of life and combines concepts of spiritual beings having  physical experiences.

Mike Dooley reflects upon the theory of physical self needing to engage with the outer world to learn about spiritual aspects.  Through action, we learn ancient myths, historical sagas, and information about our ancestors. There is the spiritual theory of our true inner self awakening into the human experience.  Either theory supplies the notations of lessons, learning, and challenges.

To heighten the experience on this earth, whether we define our selves as human or spiritual, action is required to attain a deep learning of reverence, wisdom, and respect.  Change is required to alter what is not working or to heighten what will.  By bringing balance into our perceptions, we begin to see deeper and broader possibilities of life, whether human or spiritual.

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