Saturday, April 10, 2021

Inner Balance Assists Choices


"Spiritual intent:  how to stay open to what 
others feel and not to what they think."
Mark Nepo

Supposedly, we know our selves better than anyone, and yet what others think of us can leave us needing repair.  Isolation is not the answer as it is important to understand what others are feeling.  It is through relationship we grow.  

To be human, we want to be liked, desired, and to be heard, but these influences aught not overplay our inner voice.  We can be led astray by allowing it to happen.  We can fade from our principles if we make poor choices.  When we understand the part we play, to be accountable, the outlook becomes brighter.

We can hear truth being stated, but is it our truth?  We can watch a scenario play out, but do we want to take an active role?  If we are balanced in the moment, we can hear the inner voice to temper what we hear and what we choose.

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