Monday, March 20, 2017

Set Free Inner Light

"You have the nicest window, you know?
None of the others can even compete.
It's not flashy like the others, or bleary ...
your window gives of this nice, quiet light."
Banana Yoshimoto

Open the window of your soul and allow radiant light to  shine through.  Let others be drawn to the vibrant color and mesmerized by the rhythm.  Hide not even one note from your cadence, as people are waiting to march to a different drummer.

Hidden frequencies begin to stir as they tune into the elevated happiness of kindred souls.  The sharpness of the sudden reflection attracts the eyes while the heart adjusts its beat to the new sound.  Feet gather, forming circles in unison swaying first to the left and then the right.

When we set free our inner light, the world takes on a freshness with sparkling beauty.  We may join a sun beam or become a shooting star; flicker as a candle light or roar as the fire's flame.   The best of the best, however,  is to let others see through our windows embracing who we truly are.

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